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You have probably heard the term “strength in numbers.” When workers unite to fight for better working conditions, a clear seniority policy, higher wages, more vacation time and sick pay and so on, they have a much better chance of achieving their goals.

Non-unionized workers are “at will employees,” which means they can be disciplined or fired for any or no reason.

Unionized workers, however, can only be disciplined or fired under a just cause standard, which is determined through the union’s collective bargaining agreement, or union contract.

Employees usually work under policies outlined in a Code of Conduct or similar employment document. Senior management determines these policies, and these policies are often misapplied, leading to wrongful discipline of an employee.

A union contract, on the other hand, is agreed upon by the employees, which evens out the power level between employees and management. Policies are negotiated and management must follow them, or else their actions can and will be reported to the National Labor Relations Board or through the contract’s grievance procedure.

Without a contract, your job and livelihood of your family is at the mercy of management. As Teamsters Organizers, our job is to advocate for and protect as many groups of employees throughout the Illinois and Northern Indiana region as possible. We are 1.4 million fierce labor advocates who know the larger the union, the stronger the contracts.

Read about "Weingarten Rights" for union members.


An “Authorization Card” is a necessary tool that we use to get to an election. Under Federal law, we have to show that enough workers at Edgewood are interested in union representation before we can have a secret ballot vote.

The Teamsters Union will support us in organizing ourselves but ultimately it’s up to us to make the move. Momentum is building as more and more Edgewood workers desire Teamsters representation. Sign a card today and let’s show each other and management that we are ready to build a strong union.

Fill out a card today and turn it in to a Teamster organizer or mail it to:

Teamsters Local 743
4620 S. Tripp Avenue 
Chicago, IL 60632 



Teamster organizing is the offensive to win the War on Workers. Joining the Teamsters gives you and your co-workers a voice for better working conditions, fair pay, strong benefits and respect through a legal, binding contract.

The Teamsters can help you explain the benefits of union membership to your fellow employees and assist in planning an organizing drive.

When you and your co-workers become Teamster members, your union representatives will work with you to develop contract language and proposals for negotiations. Teamster officers and business agents fight with you to win a fair, good-paying contract for dignity and respect, good wages and decent working conditions.

Join us! You’ve already come this far. Contact us now to guarantee a better future for yourself, your family and your co-workers.

Page Last Updated: Feb 20, 2018 (15:12:01)
Teamsters Local 743
4620 S. Tripp Avenue
Chicago, IL 60632
  (773) 254-7460

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