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How can I find out who my Union Representative is?
To view a complete list of Union Representatives visit the WHO WE ARE section.

How can I obtain a withdrawal card?
To obtain a withdrawal card, request a form from either your Union Steward or Local 743 at (773) 254-7460. Forms are processed at the end of each month, so you will likely receive your card at the beginning of the month after you submit your form. Each card is $0.50.

How can I receive a copy of my contract?
To receive a copy of your contract, contact your Union Representative.

When are membership meetings held?
Membership meetings are held the first Monday of every month at 6:00 p.m. In the event that a holiday falls on the first Monday of the month, the meeting is moved to the second Monday of the month.

How can I join the Retirees Club?
To join the Retiree’s Club, you can call the local at (773) 254-7460 and ask for an application. Membership dues are $20 per calendar year. All applicants must be in good standing with the union and be retired.

How do I get a new membership card?
To obtain a new membership card, you can contact Local 743 directly at (773) 254-7460. When you call, be ready to give the name of the company you work for and your Social Security number, for verification purposes.

How can I subscribe to the quarterly newsletter?
To subscribe to the quarterly newsletter, you can contact the local directly as (773) 254-7460. The newsletter is free of charge to all members.

How can I contact my union steward?
To find out who your union steward is, you can contact your union representative or the local directly at (773) 254-7460.

How can I get Local 743 merchandise, such as t-shirts, hats and other items?
Contact your union representative or the local office at (773) 254-7460. If we have it in the office, it should be available to you.

Page Last Updated: Sep 19, 2019 (15:55:13)
Teamsters Local 743
4620 S. Tripp Avenue
Chicago, IL 60632
  (773) 254-7460

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